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by motias
05 Feb 2022, 11:43
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: [Сompatibility][In Progress] Registry Finder reg data backup
Replies: 2
Views: 13178

Re: [Сompatibility] Registry Finder. Can't back up the registry data

Answer from Registry Finder dev about it:
Sergey Filippov wrote:This is a bug in Registry Finder caused by unusual command line options used by GameSave Manager (/ea instead of /e /a). I will fix it.

The topic can be closed, but the current version of Registry Finder does not work with gsm yet.
by motias
03 Feb 2022, 15:59
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: [Сompatibility][In Progress] Registry Finder reg data backup
Replies: 2
Views: 13178

[Сompatibility][In Progress] Registry Finder reg data backup

Registry Finder is alternative software for editing registry, it replaces regedit When GameSave Manager try to back up the registry data, it stuck. "C:\Program Files\Registry Finder\RegistryFinder.exe" -z "C:\windows\regedit.exe" /S /EA "E:\Temp\gs_mngr\CacheDir\GameCache\RegData.reg" "HKEY_CURRENT ...