Search found 25 matches

by BloodShed
01 Apr 2018, 16:41
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Mega Cloud
Replies: 3
Views: 14246

Re: Mega Cloud

Jut wondering what i the space limit of Mega cloud. and how much bandwidth I can use per week. even though it seem silly question but some information on this will be very helpful for me. thank you You get 50 GB space and variable bandwidth limit as a free user. I'm a free user and been using it ...
by BloodShed
22 Feb 2018, 21:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?
Replies: 10
Views: 38726

Re: Changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?

Changelogs are now in place (and a small Database Update has just been made to test this functionality). With regards to your 'write access' issue... Navigate to the directory where you run GameSave Manager 3 from (where gs_mngr_3.exe is located) Within the bin folder, you'll find a file named ...
by BloodShed
21 Feb 2018, 20:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?
Replies: 10
Views: 38726

Re: Changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?

I never noted down the changes to 9.2018-02-17_01 . I could probably get a list of entries that were affected in that release, but not how they were affected (renamed, alternative entry added, new entry, etc). I'll make an effort to get the changelog section up for the next Database Update, however ...
by BloodShed
20 Feb 2018, 14:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?
Replies: 10
Views: 38726

Re: Changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?

InsaneMatt wrote: 20 Feb 2018, 14:07 I'm afraid they'll be no changelogs for a while as I haven't created such a section for the website.... yet.
Could you post what the update contained here on forums?

At least until the website has a proper section.
by BloodShed
20 Feb 2018, 07:42
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?
Replies: 10
Views: 38726

Changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?

Where is the changelog for database update 9.2018-02-17_01?

The link to the update is broken ... -17_01&p=0