[MERGED] Saves removed!

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[MERGED] Saves removed!

Post by Retorik121 »

As above, I made a back up of all my savegames, i noticed it said we will remove the savegames, but i just thought that was temporary, it seems to have deleted the saves, left a few that were in the cloud, ubi, etc. When i attempt to reinstall them there is no back up, and even then rescanning only picks up a few games. I have used GSM on anumber of occassions, and never had this.

this is in the log, just some examples

Program Version:
Task Type:
Removal Task
Time Taken:
97 seconds
Error Count:

20:29:42 - Gathering task details
Displaying warning message to user about risks - 20:29:42
20:29:51 - Processing "0AD"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\My Games\0AD\saves
Directory empty; removing from system...
20:29:51 - Processing "A Plague Tale: Innocence"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\My Games\A Plague Tale Innocence
Directory empty; removing from system...
20:29:51 - Processing "A Total War Saga: Troy"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Troy
20:29:51 - Processing "Ancestors Legacy"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\AncestorsLegacy\SaveGames
Directory empty; removing from system...
20:29:51 - Processing "Anthem"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\BioWare\Anthem
Directory empty; removing from system...
20:29:51 - Processing "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Directory empty; removing from system...
File Removal - C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\3cb3e06b-165c-4fe4-933b-4cf0bfd746f4\5059
Directory empty; removing from system...
20:29:52 - Processing "Assassin's Creed: Origins"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\Assassin's Creed Origins
Directory empty; removing from system...
File Removal - C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\3cb3e06b-165c-4fe4-933b-4cf0bfd746f4\3539
Directory empty; removing from system...
20:29:52 - Processing "Assassin's Creed: Syndicate"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Directory empty; removing from system...
File Removal - C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\3cb3e06b-165c-4fe4-933b-4cf0bfd746f4\1875
Directory empty; removing from system...
20:29:52 - Processing "Battlefield 1"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\Battlefield 1\settings
Directory empty; removing from system...
20:29:52 - Processing "Battlefield V"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\Documents\Battlefield V
20:29:52 - Processing "BioShock Remastered"...
File Removal - C:\Users\mpowe\AppData\Roaming\BioshockHD\Bioshock
Directory empty; removing from system...
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Joined: 29 Oct 2021, 20:54

Re: GSM appears to deleted all my save games!.

Post by Retorik121 »

Oh dear, i pressed remove selected saves option icon, thinking it was the back up icon, but why is there such an option, I understand I should have took more notice, but is a nuclea roption which imo shouldn't be so prominent

at least I saved Witcher 3 saves before i undertook the operation, couldn't imagine losing all them

is there any way at alll to retrieve them?
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Joined: 29 Oct 2021, 20:54

removal of save games, a feature not a bug!

Post by Retorik121 »

as above, I thought I had a bug when all my save games were deleted after using GSM, but I realised i clicked on the removal icon, and 'remove selected saves' can I ask why it is so prominent as it is so easy to make a mistake as i have, especially if you have cognitive issues.

I am lucky i saved Witcher 3 files before hand, but have all my gamplay of far cry 5, etc, alot, is there any way to retrieve them.

Can i ask a mod to delete my post on the bug page, its now redundant.
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Re: [MERGED] Saves removed!

Post by InsaneMatt »

I've merged your threads together.
With regards to your "issue"; GameSave Manager prompts you to confirm the removal of your save data. As the data isn't securely removed (sector rewriting), you might get lucky by using something like Recuva to recover your data. The more the system has been used since the deletion, the less likely this will work due to the higher chances of the physical parts of your drive being reused for new data (overwritten).

With regards to 'why' such a feature exists; many users at one point wanted a quick and easy way to delete save data off their system. As such, the 'Delete' / 'Remove' button was added but prompts the user before proceeding just incase of accidental clicks.
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