Dynamic Steam Installation Directory (%STEAM%) not detected.

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Dynamic Steam Installation Directory (%STEAM%) not detected.

Post by robotman »

I did a search for bug reports and saw several regarding dynamically searching for the Steam Cloud directory wasn't being detected, but no posts were seen for this specifically.

My Steam installation directory is on a secondary drive (G:\ in my case), and when modifying some directories to be included in an official game entry, using the feature to dynamically search in the Steam Installation Directory, GameSave Manager returns an error when testing the directory search that the path cannot be detected.

Note that after selecting the dropdown for "Steam Installation Directory" under the dynamic directory search feature, it does correctly list the proper path (i.e,: G:\Games\Steam). I also tested leaving the path at just that, which gave the same error, no path detected.

EDIT: sorry, I browsed the bug reports again and actually found another for the same thing, but was back in September 2021 (viewtopic.php?t=472).
You responded saying it'd be fixed in a day, so I'm thinking this bug has resurfaced due to a steam update, like you mentioned in the post I linked.
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Re: Dynamic Steam Installation Directory (%STEAM%) not detected.

Post by robotman »

I'm not sure if you've updated the GS-M since I created the thread, but am noticing some different behaviors since then.

"Steam Installation Directory" is now working (dynamic path being detected) when the following is appended to the end: "steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\Plugins"

But as I go to add another path of "G:\Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\244850" by dynamically searching the Steam Install Directory and appending "steamapps\workshop\content\244850", I get the error "path cannot be detected".

What is strange is that even just appending "steamapps" returns the same error.


https://photos.app.goo.gl/M61hdrD9vmtMLGWm9 - I don't think the above 3 images were inserted correctly, but here is a link to the 3 images in an album.
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Re: Dynamic Steam Installation Directory (%STEAM%) not detected.

Post by InsaneMatt »

The Steam detection works by reading the "base" directory's directory from the Windows Registry (i.e the installation directory for Steam itself). If you never installed Steam on your system, you'd need to run "Steam.exe" and allow Steam to "fix" itself when prompted. From there, it reads local configuration files for your additional Steam library paths.

I'd need to double-check, but from what I recall only the "UserData" and "SteamApps" folders are looped for with regards to "Steam Libraries".
The "Workshop" directory should only contain downloaded mods, scripts, etc from the Steam Workshop. As such, its expected to be quite large in file count and size. I'm hessitant to implement "looping" support for this directory as a result.
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