Updating GameSave Manager, how?!

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Updating GameSave Manager, how?!

Post by LifetSavert911 »

I read this message so I know the forum was reset. So the post that I needed is gone and there is almost no posts right now. So, I will ask here. I have GSM installed and I want to update to the currently available version from your site. I want to uninstall the version I have already but there seems to be no uninstall and it therefore isn't in my list of programs to remove either. How can I fully (registry, associations, etc.) uninstall GSM so I can use the newer version?
Last edited by InsaneMatt on 23 Jan 2018, 11:42, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Split from Announcement thread
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Re: Updating GameSave Manager, how?!

Post by InsaneMatt »

Depending on how you configured GameSave Manager, there are several ways in which you can upgrade.
Most notable are...

Clean Installation
NOTE: This option will reset GameSave Manager to it's default configuration.
  1. Launch GameSave Manager with administrative rights and navigate to the 'Program Settings' section
    Untick all 'File Associations' listed here.
    Alternatively, you can do this via regedit.exe by deleting the following keys:
  2. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Uninstall a program and run the uninstaller for 'GameSave Manager v3'.
    If this entry isn't listed, simply delete the directory you have GameSave Manager run from
  3. Download, and extract, the latest version found at http://www.gamesave-manager.com/?s=download&a=dl and run it.
    Follow the onscreen steps.
Overwrite Installation
This will allow you do perform a quick upgrade; it's what the auto-updater feature usually does.
  1. Backup the file 'bin\config.ini' from within the directory you run GameSave Manager from.
    If a settings directory exists, back that up too.
  2. Download, and extract, the latest version found at http://www.gamesave-manager.com/?s=download&a=dl to the directory you run GameSave Manager from (overwritting all existing files)
  3. Restore the file(s) you backed up in Step 1
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