Ability to ignore gamesaves based on criteria.

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Ability to ignore gamesaves based on criteria.

Post by Tomkun »

Hi there,

This is a great bit of software and has been an absolute godsend, however I'd like to make a suggestion. On my system, most games are either backed up to the steam cloud, or they are saved to "My Documents" and are uploaded to my onedrive. However, there are a few games, LEGO I'm looking at you, that save the games in other directories. I would like to be able to filter only those games for backup or sync & link. At the moment, it's quite a chore to go through a list with several hundred games to select only the games that fit this pattern.

I think the easiest way to do that is to allow users to 1) Ignore games with cloud save support; Steam, uPlay etc... and 2) Blacklist certain folders.

I don't know if it's possible to determine whether games has cloud save support automatically or not, but even if you could only add the black list option, that would narrow down the field enormously.

Many thanks for your time.
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Re: Ability to ignore gamesaves based on criteria.

Post by InsaneMatt »

You can actually configure GameSave Manager now to ignore certain save types; Steam library, Steam Cloud, Steam Cache (which isn't used nowdays) and Uplay Cloud.
You can find these options within the Program Settings -> Detection Configuration category.

With regards to a 'blacklist' of folders, I'm intriged. I'll see what I can do.
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