Can't Restore Assassins creed Odysseysave

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Can't Restore Assassins creed Odysseysave

Post by tombon »

Hello, I?m playing Assassins creed Odyssey and backup game saves with GameSave Manager v3.1.499.0 .
the save file saved as a WinRarr gsba file.
now i had to reboot my PC and re-install odyssey.
i saved the backup file and try to restore it by the follow way:
click file-- Restore Gamesaves-- click the foleder icon on the right side---at the left side choose the game assassins creed oddissey (right now it is the only game installed)

i click at the blue box icon at the right side, after a second i get a massage box says: " The Restore Task has completed. Thankfully, no errors were detected. "

but when i entered the game it isn't shown.
please help, i have tons of gameplay hours there.
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Re: Can't Restore Assassins creed Odysseysave

Post by InsaneMatt »

It sounds like you've not backed up the actual save data.
There's several games out there that needlessly change their save location based on the region or platform release. The Assassin's Creed franchise is a perfect example of this; each regional release typically use a slightly different save location.

If this is the case, I'm sorry to say there's nothing that can be done. Perhaps trying something like Recuva might help? That's assuming you haven't overwritten the sectors where the file(s) phyiscally resided.

Note: For your security / privacy, I've changed your username from an email address.
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