General Enquiries

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General Enquiries

Post by jonathanwood »

Hi there,

GameSave Manager is a fantastic tool and I want to thank the devs for providing this for free.

I have a few questions I'm hoping someone can help with:
1. I have the backup operation set up as a scheduled task, will this run succesfully even without me opening the "gs_mngr_3.exe" program manually?
2. Will program and database updates be done without me starting the program manually?
3. Are multiple versions of game saves backed up or does the newest save overwrite the older one? e.g. I'm playing a game and my save is suddenly corrupt, can I restore my save from a version backed up a week ago? Can I set how many old versions are kept?
4. In the settings what does "Cloud Options" do? I have my backup pointed at a Dropbox directory. Is this effectively the same thing?

Thankss again to the devs and to anyone who takes the time to help me.

J :D
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Re: General Enquiries

Post by InsaneMatt »

jonathanwood wrote: 29 Sep 2021, 15:16 1. I have the backup operation set up as a scheduled task, will this run succesfully even without me opening the "gs_mngr_3.exe" program manually?
The process (gs_mngr_3.exe) is executed through the Windows Task Scheduler and typically runs silently.
jonathanwood wrote: 29 Sep 2021, 15:16 2. Will program and database updates be done without me starting the program manually?
Provided you have the associated Program Settings selected, GameSave Manager can automatically download--and apply/install--any database update it finds at program startup. It's always best to check every once and a while just incase, however.
jonathanwood wrote: 29 Sep 2021, 15:16 3. Are multiple versions of game saves backed up or does the newest save overwrite the older one? e.g. I'm playing a game and my save is suddenly corrupt, can I restore my save from a version backed up a week ago? Can I set how many old versions are kept?
That entirely depends on how you've configured the task.
You can set it to 'consolidate' into several backups (it was a poor wording on my part due to a change in direction for the option half way through it's development). That'll make multiple gsba (GameSave Backup Archive) files per game / record, removing the oldest whenever the 'consolidation' number is reached.
jonathanwood wrote: 29 Sep 2021, 15:16 4. In the settings what does "Cloud Options" do? I have my backup pointed at a Dropbox directory. Is this effectively the same thing?
The 'Cloud' functionality in the 3x branch is somewhat broken. Instead point the task to your cloud service's sync directory for it's 'output'.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 15:09

Re: General Enquiries

Post by jonathanwood »

Thanks so much for your response! It was really helpful. 😀
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