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Entries by directory location

Posted: 28 Nov 2021, 17:16
by LatteXIV

I'm sorry if this is already a thing or if it has already been mentioned, but I've been trying to locate a way to display save entries that are stored in certain locations/drives. I only need to back up whatever I have on my C:\ drive and not my other drives, however I can't find a way to sort by location other than manually expanding each entry and checking the listed directory.

Kind of like, if Directory contains "C:\" then select for backup.

Re: Entries by directory location

Posted: 23 Dec 2021, 23:21
by InsaneMatt
Currently, there is no way to achieve this in GameSave Manager due to how saves are detected.
You'd have to manually go through the detected records, 'expanding' each to show the directory path(s) detected.